Course Aim

The CompTIA® Server+® (Exam SK0-004) course builds on your existing professional experience with personal computer hardware support to present the next tier of skills and concepts that you will use on the job when administering any type of network server. If your job duties include server troubleshooting, installation, or maintenance, or if you are preparing for any type of network server-related career, it provides the primary knowledge and skills you will require to be successful. The CompTIA® Server+® (Exam SK0-004) course can also benefit you if you are preparing to take the CompTIA Server+ examination (Exam SK0-004).

Client Profile

This course is designed for IT professionals such as PC, desktop, and help desk technicians who have experience supporting PC hardware who wish to make the transition to become server hardware and support specialists. This course is also designed for existing server managers who are preparing to take the CompTIA Server+ Exam SK0-004.

Course Outline

  • Manage server hardware.
    • Install server hardware and operating systems.
    • Configure networking hardware and protocols.
    • Perform basic server configuration tasks.
    • Create a virtual server environment.
    • Administer servers.
    • Implement server storage solutions.
    • Secure the server.
    • Plan and test disaster recovery.
    • Troubleshoot server issues.

Course Location:

Delivered Online via Zoom & Supports via Moodleonline Via Zoom

Course Duration: